CanFac schedule 2024-2025

Please find below the Canon Factory schedule for 2024-2025

- Saturday November 16th: 9am-5pm  Conference 5, Pierre and Marie Curie campus, room 24-34-107.  journee-detude-5-16-novembre-2024

- Friday January 24th : from 6.30 pm. a literature evening with slam poets Seckou Oulologuem (Dutch-speaking Belgium), Sulaiman Masomi (Germany), Guro Sibeko (Norway).  The literature evening is convened with the support of and at Maison Heinrich Heine. 

- Saturday March 22nd: 9am-5pm, Conference 6,  Pierre and Marie Curie campus, room 24-34-107. Programme to be announced soon. 

- Thursday June 19th, Friday June 20th and Saturday June 21st : International CanFac conference  (June 19th,  maison de la recherche, room D040, June 20th and 21st, Pierre et Marie Curie campus, room 24-34-107).